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Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk - Fort Worth, TX

Sat October 12, 2024 Fort Worth, TX 76164 US Directions

Top Donors

$30,856 Raised By 90 Donors

$5,000 on behalf of Fort Worth Firefighters Local 440
$5,000 on behalf of Likewize
$2,500 on behalf of Dana Safety Supply
$2,500 on behalf of Tactical Systems Network
$2,000 on behalf of The Beck Group
$1,000 on behalf of American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier
$1,000 on behalf of Brotherhood For The Fallen
$1,000 on behalf of Domingo Garcia Law
$1,000 on behalf of Flock Safety Team
$1,000 on behalf of Fred Barnett
$1,000 on behalf of Good Contractors Roofing and Restoration
$500 on behalf of Beth Warner
$500 on behalf of First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth
$500 on behalf of Michael Ring
$500 on behalf of ProPatch+ Nutrients
$500 on behalf of Rob Kurz
$260 on behalf of Peggy Hix
$250 on behalf of Author T. K. Lukas
$250 on behalf of Brock Winston
$250 on behalf of Harold Bailey
$250 on behalf of John Pierce
$250 on behalf of Michael Kennedy
$250 on behalf of Yale Young
$160 on behalf of Turan Atay
$105 on behalf of Mark and Cindy Smith
$100 on behalf of Chris Haigh
$100 on behalf of Diane Lops
$100 on behalf of Ed Bach
$100 on behalf of Emily Lind
$100 on behalf of Eric Lindberg
$100 on behalf of Gigi OConnell
$100 on behalf of Jim Tournis
$100 on behalf of Jon White
$100 on behalf of Kevin Day
$100 on behalf of Kevin Palmer
$100 on behalf of Leigh Anne Woolery
$100 on behalf of Mandi Griffin
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Richard White
$100 on behalf of Stephanie Ward
$100 on behalf of Susan Sprinkle
$100 on behalf of Terri Brown
$65 on behalf of David DArcy
$50 on behalf of Albert Gonzalez
$50 on behalf of Alison Parkinson
$50 on behalf of Anne Witherspoon
$50 on behalf of Barbara Drake
$50 on behalf of Chip Jackson
$50 on behalf of Christine OBrien
$50 on behalf of Christopher Parkinson
$50 on behalf of David Munson
$50 on behalf of Janet Wood
$50 on behalf of Kenneth Haney
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Liam and Lilly
$50 on behalf of Lisa Bailey
$50 on behalf of Marc Pinney
$50 on behalf of Monique Hodges
$50 on behalf of Nicole Crews
$50 on behalf of Randi Walker
$50 on behalf of Rob Kurz
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Cristina Avitia
$40 on behalf of Obidio 🐩 and Uncle Joe 🧑‍🦲
$35 on behalf of Michelle Kurz
$30 on behalf of Serena Avitia
$25 on behalf of Becky Voight
$25 on behalf of Brett Armstrong
$25 on behalf of Christopher Cassell
$25 on behalf of Deborah⁰ King
$25 on behalf of Jenna Armstrong
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Samuel Forman
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Chelsea Kretz
$20 on behalf of Ed Dixon
$20 on behalf of John E Moore
$20 on behalf of Ruth Kaiser
$20 on behalf of Sgt. Bill Randolph
$10 on behalf of Ariana Holsapple
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Caitlin Cordell
$10 on behalf of Debra Stuart
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Kyle Moore
$10 on behalf of Linda Gomez Perez
$5 on behalf of Bryant Culotta
$1 on behalf of Parker Babin


$0 Goal
Abbie Boswell
$0 Goal
Adam Mayo
$0 Goal
Adam Sanders
$0 Goal
Adam Schneider
$0 Goal
Adrian Joel
$0 Goal
Aerin Farrell
$0 Goal
Alanna Agustin
$0 Goal
Albert Gonzalez
$50 Raised
Aleida Jaime’s-Correa
$0 Goal
Aleigh Grimes
$0 Goal
Alejandra Ortiz
$0 Goal
Alex Blankenship
$0 Goal
Alexa Neiswender
$0 Goal
Alexander Lopez
$0 Goal
Alexandra Santos
$0 Goal
Alfredo Vargas
$0 Goal
Alice Stone
$0 Goal
Alissa Clark
$0 Goal
Alma Rouse
$0 Goal
Alysa Salazar
$0 Goal
Amanda Leiva
$0 Goal
Amie Ryan
$0 Goal
Amy Gomez
$0 Goal
Amy Shelley
$0 Goal
Andre Edwards
$0 Goal
Andrea Garcia
$0 Goal
Andrew Aten
$0 Goal
Andrew Leuthner
$0 Goal
Andrew Nickerson
$0 Goal
Andrew Song
$0 Goal
Angel Strother
$0 Goal
Angela Autrey
$0 Goal
Angela Erickson
$0 Goal
Angela Hodge
$0 Goal
Angela Jay
$0 Goal
Angie Turner
$0 Goal
Anna Brantley
$0 Goal
Anna Murray
$0 Goal
Anna Walsh
$0 Goal
Anthony Villacis
$0 Goal
Anthony White
$500 Goal
Antonio Niaves
$0 Goal
April Frierson
$0 Goal
April Houston
$0 Goal
araceli rey
$0 Goal
Ariadne Acosta
$0 Goal
Ariana Holsapple
$10 Raised
Armando Reyna
$0 Goal
Arturo Velazquez
$0 Goal
Ashley Schick
$0 Goal
Ashlyn Hulse
$10 Raised
Augustin Olivares
$0 Goal
Autumn Leuthner
$0 Goal
Autymn Bach
$0 Goal
Barbara Chick
$0 Goal
Barbara Legan
$0 Goal
Baron Lukas
$0 Goal
Barrett Turner
$0 Goal
bernadette sapienza
$0 Goal
Bethany Dalcerro
$0 Goal
Birgit O‘leary
$0 Goal
Blair Moffatt
$0 Goal
Blair Stephens
$0 Goal
Blair Williams
$0 Goal
Blakely Cabano
$0 Goal
Bonnie Monsey
$0 Goal
Brad Denson
$0 Goal
Brandon Brownlee
$0 Goal
Brandon Coleman
$0 Goal
Brandon Smith
$0 Goal
Brenden Harrington
$0 Goal
Brian "Buck" Flannery
$0 Goal
Brian Haase
$20 Raised
briana romero
$0 Goal
Brianna Mascorro
$0 Goal
Bridget Barrett
$0 Goal
Bridget Woytowicz
$500 Raised
Brittany Derr
$0 Goal
Brittany Dorrill
$0 Goal
Brock Mayo
$0 Goal
brody rey
$0 Goal
Brooke Clark
$0 Goal
Bruno Casillas
$0 Goal
Bryant Culotta
$5 Raised
Bryce Birl
$0 Goal
Bryce Morgan
$0 Goal
Buck Kern
$40 Raised
Buck Wheeler
$0 Goal
Caitlin Cordell
$10 Raised
Caleb Smith
$0 Goal
Candace Brazeal
$0 Goal
Carla Wicks
$0 Goal
Carlos Acevedo Cruz
$0 Goal
Carlos Aguirre
$0 Goal
Carlos Cespedes
$0 Goal
Carlos Flores
$0 Goal
Carlos Ugarte
$0 Goal
Carly Swann
$0 Goal
Carol Stank
$0 Goal
Caroline Jackson
$0 Goal
Carson sheehan
$0 Goal
Casey Hall
$0 Goal
Cassandra Wettlaufer
$0 Goal
Cassandra Williams
$0 Goal
Cassie Platas
$0 Goal
Chad Harland
$0 Goal
Chelsea Hopkins
$0 Goal
Chelsea Kretz
$20 Raised
Chelsea Salinas
$0 Goal
cherie bussey
$0 Goal
Cheryl Wakeland
$0 Goal
Chip Jackson
$50 Raised
Chloe McCarthy
$0 Goal
Chris Story
$0 Goal
Christian Ayala
$0 Goal
Christian Scroggins
$0 Goal
Christina Chen
$0 Goal
Christina Clifford
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Christopher Cassell
$25 Raised
Christopher Gutierrez
$0 Goal
Christopher Negrete
$0 Goal
Christopher Parkinson
$350 Raised
Christy Hix
$0 Goal
Cindy DiGesualdo
$0 Goal
Cindy Smith
$0 Goal
Claudia Loya
$0 Goal
Clay Daugherty
$0 Goal
Cody McCraw
$0 Goal
Cody Turner
$0 Goal
Cole Brock
$0 Goal
Colleen Gould
$0 Goal
Connor Pendley
$0 Goal
Conrad Villareal
$0 Goal
Corey DalCerro
$0 Goal
Cory Spintig
$0 Goal
Coy Bower
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Curt Baylor
$0 Goal
D'Anne Cariker
$0 Goal
Daisy Gonzalez
$0 Goal
Dallas Connor
$0 Goal
daniel cervantes
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Daniel Inbody
$0 Goal
Daniel Mora
$0 Goal
Daniel Solache
$0 Goal
Daniel Williams
$0 Goal
Danja Codina
$0 Goal
Darla Lydens
$0 Goal
Dashiell Lops
$650 Raised
$0 Goal
David Carabajal
$0 Goal
David DArcy
$65 Raised
David Davis
$0 Goal
David Erickson
$0 Goal
David Monsey
$0 Goal
david vesper
$0 Goal
David Yancey
$0 Goal
Dawson Matheny
$0 Goal
Debra Stuart
$10 Raised
Dell Guy
$0 Goal
Dena Milner
$0 Goal
Dena Newell
$0 Goal
Denise Medina
$0 Goal
Derek Arneson
$0 Goal
Derek Larsen
$0 Goal
Destiny Moragne
$0 Goal
Diana Bach
$0 Goal
Diana Martinez
$0 Goal
Donna Jackson
$0 Goal
Durie Foster
$0 Goal
Dylan Caton
$0 Goal
EAvery Brevard
$0 Goal
Ed Bach
$2,100 Raised
Ed Dixon
$20 Raised
Ed Purrington
$0 Goal
Edith Rodriguez
$0 Goal
Eduardo Velazquez
$0 Goal
Eileen Marsh
$0 Goal
Elisa Guerrero
$0 Goal
Elise Powell
$0 Goal
Elizabeth Catanzaro
$0 Goal
Elizabeth Hernandez
$0 Goal
Elliot Hamilton
$0 Goal
Elvedin Babic
$0 Goal
Elvia Leyva
$0 Goal
Ely Castillo
$0 Goal
Emily Kirby
$0 Goal
Emily Lind
$100 Raised
Emily Schrumpf
$0 Goal
Emma Schilling
$0 Goal
Eric Howard
$0 Goal
Eric Smuda
$0 Goal
Erik Nunez
$0 Goal
Erik Whitlock
$0 Goal
Ernest Tamayo
$0 Goal
Ernesto Attaguile
$0 Goal
Ethan Cartwright
$0 Goal
Ethan Schneider
$0 Goal
Eulalio Velazquez
$0 Goal
Evan Evangelista
$0 Goal
Ezequiel Fernandez
$0 Goal
Faith Burke
$0 Goal
Faith Navarro
$0 Goal
Felipe Ramirez
$0 Goal
Francisco Guevara
$0 Goal
Freddrick Long
$0 Goal
G. Chad Mahaffey
$0 Goal
Gabby Carnell
$0 Goal
Gabriel Cespedes
$0 Goal
Gabrielle Lippert
$0 Goal
Gary Garcia
$0 Goal
Gavin Moran
$0 Goal
Gavin Palmer
$0 Goal
genesis hernandez
$0 Goal
Gigi OConnell
$100 Raised
Gina Malone
$0 Goal
Glenda Phillips
$0 Goal
Glinda Johnston
$0 Goal
Gloria Bustos
$0 Goal
Gordon Bland
$0 Goal
Grant Outram
$0 Goal
Gregory Jackson
$0 Goal
Gunner Turner
$0 Goal
Haley Becerra
$0 Goal
Harold Bailey
$250 Raised
Hayden Griffiths
$0 Goal
Heather Garcia
$50 Raised
Hector Martinez
$0 Goal
Heidi Jesko
$0 Goal
Henry Vu
$0 Goal
Hudson Hamilton
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Hunter Herrick
$0 Goal
Ibeth Bishop
$0 Goal
Ikumi Blankenship
$0 Goal
Iliana Payan
$0 Goal
Isabel A Sneed
$0 Goal
ismael pena
$0 Goal
Ivan wheeler
$0 Goal
J Story
$0 Goal
Jacob Bass
$0 Goal
Jacob Cottingham
$0 Goal
Jacob Schick
$0 Goal
Jacob Serbantez
$0 Goal
Jacy Propfe
$0 Goal
Jade Bailey
$0 Goal
Jadon Anderson
$0 Goal
Jaice Moore
$0 Goal
Jake DiNatale
$0 Goal
Jamee Wick
$0 Goal
James Alex
$0 Goal
James Kazeos
$0 Goal
James Proulx
$0 Goal
James Vieau
$0 Goal
James Williams
$0 Goal
Jamie Hoover
$0 Goal
Jamie Pearson
$0 Goal
Jane Milligan
$0 Goal
Jared Howell
$0 Goal
jared toll
$0 Goal
Jasmine Mayo
$0 Goal
Jason Ricks
$0 Goal
Javier Pena
$0 Goal
Javier Velazquez
$0 Goal
Jaxon Solano
$100 Goal
Jean Peniel Telus
$0 Goal
Jeanette Grissom
$0 Goal
Jeff Gomez
$0 Goal
jeff sapienza
$0 Goal
Jeffrey Ehler
$0 Goal
Jennifer Clifford
$0 Goal
Jennifer Harland
$0 Goal
Jennifer Nixon
$0 Goal
Jennifer Stewart
$0 Goal
Jenny Martinez
$0 Goal
Jenson Anderson
$0 Goal
Jeremy Goad
$10 Raised
Jeremy Hernandez
$0 Goal
Jesenia Basan
$0 Goal
Jessica Frazier
$0 Goal
Jessica Hayden
$0 Goal
Jim Theisen
$0 Goal
Jim Wells
$0 Goal
Joanne Avanti
$0 Goal
Joaquim Carvalho
$0 Goal
Joe Hernandez
$0 Goal
Johan Brito
$0 Goal
John Lamond
$0 Goal
John Lydens
$0 Goal
John Salinas
$0 Goal
Johnny Cox
$0 Goal
Jonathan Cramer
$0 Goal
Jonathan Peterson
$0 Goal
Jordan Brookins
$0 Goal
Jordyn Neiswender
$0 Goal
Jorge Payan
$0 Goal
Jorge Rendon
$0 Goal
Jose Flores
$0 Goal
joseph maxwell
$0 Goal
Josh Davis
$10 Raised
Josh Neiswender
$0 Goal
Josh Rogers
$0 Goal
Josh Strother
$0 Goal
Joshua Evans
$0 Goal
Joshua Harris
$0 Goal
Joshua Pewitt
$0 Goal
Joshua Rolon
$0 Goal
Judy Davenport
$0 Goal
Julia Bradley
$0 Goal
Julia Luna
$0 Goal
Julia Wolfe
$0 Goal
Justin Broome
$0 Goal
Justin Robert
$0 Goal
Justin Woollis
$0 Goal
Kaitlyn Rhinehart
$0 Goal
Kalpka Edney
$0 Goal
Kamie Anderson
$0 Goal
Kara Williams
$0 Goal
Karen Bland
$0 Goal
Karen Pause-Meeks
$0 Goal
Karis Haase
$0 Goal
Kashawn McGruder
$0 Goal
kashyap patel
$0 Goal
Katherine Peel
$0 Goal
Katheryn Da Cruz
$0 Goal
Kathleen Marthe
$0 Goal
Katie Garcia
$0 Goal
Katie Skinner
$0 Goal
kayce howell
$0 Goal
Kayla Heinsohn
$0 Goal
Kelli Palmer
$0 Goal
Kelly Schmidt
$0 Goal
Kenneth Wicks
$0 Goal
Kennith Simmons
$0 Goal
KENT Safriet
$0 Goal
Kevin Armstrong
$0 Goal
Khalil Driggers
$0 Goal
Kimberly Brown
$0 Goal
Kishelle Guy
$0 Goal
Kristen Evans
$0 Goal
Kristi Walker
$0 Goal
Kristin Babic
$0 Goal
Kristine Bell
$20 Raised
Kyle baccus
$0 Goal
kyle bean
$0 Goal
kyle lawrence
$0 Goal
Kyle Moore
$10 Raised
Kynmbahl Wesson
$0 Goal
Lalis Wheeler
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Lauren Abram
$0 Goal
Lauren Ellis
$0 Goal
Lauren McSimov
$0 Goal
Lauren Nelson
$0 Goal
Lauren Peterson
$0 Goal
Lauren Wagner
$50 Raised
Lawrence Wolfe
$0 Goal
Leonel Loya
$0 Goal
Leslie Lawrence
$0 Goal
Lianna Ibarra
$0 Goal
$5,000 Raised
Lina Mino
$0 Goal
Linda Gomez Perez
$10 Raised
Linda Salinas
$0 Goal
Lisa Buchanan
$0 Goal
Lisa Cody - Sadie's T2T Angels
$500 Goal
Lisa Tomerlin
$25 Raised
Lizette Barcenas
$0 Goal
Lorin Armstrong
$0 Goal
Lorna Jackson
$0 Goal
Louis Q Sneed
$0 Goal
Loven Omar
$0 Goal
Luis Lopez
$0 Goal
Luis Luna
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
luke bach
$0 Goal
MacArthur Hewitt
$0 Goal
Macy Hill
$0 Goal
Makenzie Heinsohn
$0 Goal
Margarita Gonzalez
$0 Goal
Maria Vanessa Barragan
$0 Goal
Maria Villafana
$0 Goal
Marie Holub
$0 Goal
Mark Basan
$0 Goal
Mark Smith
$0 Goal
Marshall Kirby
$0 Goal
Mason Atkinson
$0 Goal
Mason Holub
$0 Goal
Mason Kirby
$0 Goal
Mason Palmer
$0 Goal
Matt Aten
$0 Goal
Matt Beard
$0 Goal
Matt Brazeal
$0 Goal
Matt Mcclellen
$0 Goal
Matthew Jesko
$0 Goal
Matthew Sharp
$0 Goal
Matthew Walker
$0 Goal
Mattie Parker
$0 Goal
Max Matheny
$0 Goal
Meigan Matheny
$0 Goal
Melissa Allain
$0 Goal
Melissa Jones
$0 Goal
Melissa Lops
$0 Goal
Melissa Loya
$0 Goal
Melissia Hampton
$0 Goal
Meredith Herrick
$0 Goal
Michael Garrett
$0 Goal
Michael Hughes
$0 Goal
Michael OConnell
$200 Raised
Michael Pooler
$0 Goal
Michael Reardon
$0 Goal
Michelle Sanders
$0 Goal
Mike Carruth
$0 Goal
Mike Donnelly
$0 Goal
Mike Mahoney
$0 Goal
Mike Moore
$20 Raised
Miriam Hink
$0 Goal
Moises Colon Ponce
$0 Goal
Monica Diaz
$0 Goal
Monica Garcia
$0 Goal
Monica Martin
$0 Goal
Monique Cabano
$50 Raised
Myrna Labanon
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Nadine Bauman
$0 Goal
nanci haros
$0 Goal
Natalie Aten
$0 Goal
Natalie Moore
$0 Goal
Natalie Self
$0 Goal
Natalya Carnell
$0 Goal
Nathan Allain
$0 Goal
Nathan Pham
$0 Goal
Nathan Sandstede
$0 Goal
Nathanael Hamilton
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Neil Noakes
$0 Goal
Nelson Williams
$0 Goal
Nicole Cox
$0 Goal
Nikki Funderburk
$0 Goal
Nina Gonzales
$0 Goal
Noah Krzykowski
$0 Goal
Noel Limon
$0 Goal
Noelle Herndon
$0 Goal
nora romero
$0 Goal
Norma Aguilar
$0 Goal
Novalie Flores
$0 Goal
Nuvia Velazquez
$0 Goal
Nyasia Watson
$0 Goal
Olivia Hernandez
$0 Goal
Olivia Lippert
$0 Goal
Omid Janami
$0 Goal
Owen Flannery
$0 Goal
Owen Williams
$0 Goal
Parker Babin
$1 Raised
Pat Vasquez
$0 Goal
Patricia Johnson
$100 Raised
Patrick Long
$0 Goal
Patrick Martinez
$0 Goal
Paul Paine
$0 Goal
Paula Hawpe
$0 Goal
Pedro Garcia
$0 Goal
Petro Juma
$0 Goal
Phil Torsiello
$0 Goal
Rachel Bacsik
$0 Goal
Rachel Rogers
$0 Goal
Rachel Schneider
$0 Goal
Rahul Vutukuru
$0 Goal
Ralph Salazar
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Randol Kirby
$0 Goal
Randy Malone
$0 Goal
Randy Molina
$0 Goal
Raven Richardson
$0 Goal
Rebecca Delgado
$0 Goal
Rhonda Meza
$0 Goal
Richard Bishop
$0 Goal
Richard Kaiser
$0 Goal
Richard Wakeland
$0 Goal
Richard Ward
$0 Goal
Rob Kurz
$3,385 Raised
Robert Heinsohn
$0 Goal
Robert Ruiz
$0 Goal
Robert Stewart
$0 Goal
Robert Swann
$0 Goal
Ronald Gonzalez
$0 Goal
Ronald Kruk
$0 Goal
Ronnie Sherwood
$0 Goal
Rosmaricor Mosley
$0 Goal
Roxy Sherwood
$0 Goal
Russell Ramsay
$0 Goal
Russell Shelley
$125 Raised
Ruth Kaiser
$20 Raised
Ryan Navarro
$0 Goal
Ryan Ruh
$0 Goal
Ryan Sanders
$0 Goal
Sabrina Bailey
$0 Goal
Sabrina Hull- Ward
$0 Goal
Sam Bennett
$0 Goal
Samantha Carruth
$0 Goal
Samantha Tjaden
$0 Goal
samiha alex
$0 Goal
Sandra Ugarte
$0 Goal
Santiago Martinez
$0 Goal
Sara Lemons
$0 Goal
Sarah Beckman
$0 Goal
Sarah Weinberg
$0 Goal
Savanah Calanche
$0 Goal
Savanna Kurz
$0 Goal
Saydee Thiriot
$0 Goal
Sayge Huyssoon
$0 Goal
Scott Lippert
$0 Goal
Sean Bach
$0 Goal
Sean Santos
$0 Goal
Sean Walsh
$0 Goal
sergio becerra
$0 Goal
Shannon Hughes
$50 Raised
Shawn Murray
$0 Goal
Sheli Bower
$0 Goal
Shiloh Gilliam
$0 Goal
Shirley Purrington
$0 Goal
Sierra Hanes
$0 Goal
Sofie Hopkins
$0 Goal
Sophat Sien
$0 Goal
Sophia Atkinson
$0 Goal
Stefanie Ricks
$0 Goal
Stephanie Hewitt
$0 Goal
Stephanie Lippert
$0 Goal
Steve Evuleocha
$0 Goal
Steven Howell
$0 Goal
Susan Montez
$0 Goal
Sydney Dodenhoff
$0 Goal
Sydney Long
$0 Goal
Syrah Omar
$0 Goal
Tamia Phillippi
$0 Goal
Tanya Lukas
$0 Goal
Tatvamasi Patel
$0 Goal
Taylor Hill
$0 Goal
Taylor Poliseno
$0 Goal
Teddy Phillips
$0 Goal
Teresa Torres
$0 Goal
Tessy Arinze
$0 Goal
Thelma Mascorro
$0 Goal
Theresa Lam
$0 Goal
Thomas Mazza
$0 Goal
Tiffany McSimov
$0 Goal
Tina Anderson-Cherry
$0 Goal
Tony Bonner
$0 Goal
tony hererra
$0 Goal
Tony Pham
$0 Goal
Tracy Chick
$0 Goal
Tracy Darty
$0 Goal
Travis Dasch
$0 Goal
Travis Shaw
$0 Goal
Trevor Burns
$0 Goal
Troy McSimov
$0 Goal
Tyler Eaton
$0 Goal
Tyler Navarro
$0 Goal
Valentina Riera
$0 Goal
valerie meza
$0 Goal
Valerie Proulx
$0 Goal
Vaughn Mosley
$0 Goal
Verlene Page
$0 Goal
Veronica Carabajal
$0 Goal
Veronica Ramos
$0 Goal
Vincent Brown
$0 Goal
Vincent Catanzaro
$0 Goal
Vitaly Bednov
$0 Goal
Wendy Bravo
$0 Goal
William Branch
$0 Goal
William Brantley
$0 Goal
William Hix
$0 Goal
William Woytowicz
$0 Goal
Winky Hix
$100 Raised
Wyatt Long
$0 Goal
Wyatt Marsau
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Ya Qiu
$0 Goal
Yasemin Flores
$0 Goal
yenifer reyes
$0 Goal
Yolanda Heinsohn
$0 Goal
Yolanda Velazquez
$0 Goal
Zac Aten
$0 Goal
Zackary Otto
$0 Goal
Zella Armstrong
$125 Raised
Zella Oseghale
$0 Goal

Team Fundraisers

1LT Gwilym J Newman Memorial Team
$500 Goal
American Airlines
$500 Goal
Bleed Red, White, & Blue
$500 Raised
$650 Raised
FWPD Northwest Division
$500 Goal
$5,070 Raised
One Tribe Foundation
$40 Raised
Sadie's T2T Angels
$500 Goal
Semper Fi
$500 Goal
Team Bach
$2,100 Raised
Team First Pres
$500 Goal
Team Kurz
$3,635 Raised
$100 Raised

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